- word mark
- Examination of the protectability of the trademark
- Identity and similarity search Trademarks (DPMA, EUIPO and WIPO) with legal risk assessment; NO search in national trademark registers of other EU member states
- Identity search of company names (Germany) with legal risk assessment
- Preparation of the list of goods and services
- Preparation of the application documents
- Fast electronic trademark application to EUIPO
- Forwarding of the trademark certificate
- Renewal reminder for protection extension
plus 850,- EUR registration fee EUIPO*
* The above prices are the net lawyer’s fees (plus VAT) and EUIPO registration fees for 1 class of goods/services. For several classes the fees can be found in the following table (subject to changes and errors):
Number of requested classes | Fee |
1 | 850 € |
2 | 900 € |
3 | 1,050 € |
4 | 1,200 € |
5 | 1,350 € |
for each additional class | + 150 € |